Tuesday, September 3, 2013

24 Day Challenge with my Fiance!

We started our 24 day challenge today! I completed my first 24 day challenge in May and I had such great results that I wanted to do it again! My fiancé is doing it with me this time and we are gonna OWN it! I cant wait to watch my body change, and start to feel better and gain more energy! I had really changed my eating habits last time I did this, and the benefits have lasted up until recently. The last month of summer was a bit of a challenge for me, because we have gone to lots of barbeques, and I have been eating pretty much whatever I want, whenever I want. Oops!

Steve and I weighed ourselves last night and we are going to take our starting measurements today! This morning we woke up, ate breakfast: eggs, oatmeal with blueberries and almonds, and an apple. We had our fiber drink. I warned Steve about how awful this was. I have to mix mine with applesauce and eat it, because otherwise I don’t think I could keep it down. Despite the warning, I suggested and he wanted to try to drink it. I think his biggest mistake was that he mixed it with more water than it suggests. All this means is that there is MORE to drink of it. I think he was trying to dilute it and make it not as thick, but UGH – its GROSS. He chugged it like a champ, I was really impressed. UNTIL at the end, some came back up! I think he will probably be joining me in my applesauce trick tomorrow J

I have to say that doing this with your boyfriend, spouse, best friend, or someone that you spend a lot of time with is WAY easier and more motivating. I think we are both going to see awesome results!


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