Thursday, July 18, 2013

Goals, Goals, Goals!

AH, I haven’t blogged in a while. First let me just say that I finished my 24 day challenge in May, and I had such great results from it. Because of the great results I had, I made the decision that I would become a distributor. When I first started Advocare, and even expressed interest in it, immediately I was contacted about the business opportunity with it. I am the type of person who is very skeptical of things like this, and my answer was always “Let me see how I do on the challenge first”. And let me just say, I was blown away! I have gotten motivated a few times to really “buckle down” and go all in trying to get healthy a few times. I eat healthy, work out, and I feel like I do everything right. This lasts about 2 weeks before I have always reverted back to my old ways. Usually, this is because I have never enjoyed it. Living, and being healthy was always a chore for me. On top of it, I wasn’t seeing results. I would always get to a point that it was like, “why am I doing this?”. Then, I would give up, and go back to the same thing. Consuming empty calories, and not worrying about making a change. I finally decided I had enough of being a hostage in my own body. I had enough of going shopping for clothes and not liking anything, because I didn’t like ME. Finally, I decided to make a change, and I decided that Advocare was going to be my answer. I took the challenge on, and it was the first time in my life I saw results, instantly.  I lost 20 pounds, I had more energy, and I felt confidence I haven’t felt in a long time. Needless to say, when I was done, I was hooked. I signed up to be a distributor immediately after going to an Advocare Ladies Night with my fiance’s cousin Chelsea. Could I have used that $79.00 towards something else? Yes. I didn’t really “have the money” to sign up, but I decided that I was motivated, and it was something that I needed to do, so I did it.

Since then, I have already made my sign up fee back in profit, and MORE. I became an Advocare advisor in two pay periods (4 weeks) which meant that I went from a 20% discount, to a 40% discount which means even more of an opportunity to make money and share this tool with other people. I am not very comfortable being a “product pusher” but what is so great about this, is you don’t have to. When I was losing weight, I was constantly being asked, “how did you do that?” “What is working for you?” That’s why I knew, I could share this with other people, because it works. You can BE a product of your product.

In all the times I have felt determined to put my health, and my body first, I have never succeeded. The only difference in my life these past few months has been Advocare. This absolutely can be ANYONE.

I could go on and on about the results that I have heard and seen. Real people, with busy lives, who have lost hope, have seriously changed their life, and changed their body with this and it is amazing.

My short term goal, was to sell enough to become an Advisor. To be honest, I doubted myself. I shouldn’t have, but I did. My fiancé told me that if I got close enough that I only needed to sell one more challenge, that he would be my last customer to meet my first goal. I had 3 pay periods to meet my goal, and I did it in 2. I actually exceeded my goal, and Steve wasn’t even my last customer.

He was a skeptic of this product. The fact he even agreed to take on the challenge as a way to motivate me was a shock. At the beginning of this, I couldn’t even convince him to drink a spark. To be honest, I don’t even think he was crazy about me signing up to sell this stuff. He is the love of my life, and I love him to pieces for always supporting me no matter what, which he did, but I could tell he was “eh” about this. HOWEVER, he saw my results. He was proud of me, and he noticed the difference. Id be lying if I said that it wasn’t super exciting to feel like he was liking the results. Although he has always made me feel beautiful, its an added feeling when you yourself TRULY believe it too. Then, a few weeks after my challenge, we were at a housewarming party at my friend Corinnes house. Steve was tired, practically falling asleep. Corinne (like my good salesman friend) suggested he drink a Spark. He finally tried it. He ended up staying up later than me that night! The next day, he said to me, “That “Spark Stuff” actually works”. UMM HELLO! This is what I have been trying to tell you!

Steve ordered a challenge from me. We are going to start one on September 1st together. I will be posting our progress. JOIN US!

Next week, on Wednesday, I am going to be starting an AB challenge with my Zumba class. My Zumba teacher is also an Advocare Lover/Believer/Distributor. She is putting together an Advocare 10-Day Cleanse, AB challenge. I will be posting about that too! JOIN ME!

Cheers to being healthy!

EXCITING things to come!

Life is all about little goals. Take things one step at a time. All the small steps eventually lead you to something great. Looking back you will always wish that you started today!

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