Tuesday, September 3, 2013

ADVOCARE worthy YUMMY-ness!

Spark Slushies
Blend together:
6oz water
1 scoop of spark or rehydrate
Your fav frozen fruit (we like berries and pineapple with pink lemonade spark)
A cup of ice cubes

Blend til smooth and frosty!! Deeeeelicious!

Cilantro-Lime Jumbo Shrimp
Raw jumbo shrimp (peeled and deveined)
1 tsp olive oil
2 fresh limes quartered
fresh cilantro
fresh garlic
marinate jumbo shrimp in a baggie with 2 limes squeezed and then thrown in the bag, chopped fresh cilantro, olive oil, fresh chopped garlic. Let sit in fridge for 2-3 hours.
Grill shrimp on a skewer with lime quarters.

Serve with grilled veggies, brown rice or a salad.

Avocado Egg Salad
Mash up 1 avocado with a fork to desired consistency, add juice of 1/2 a lime, grated or minced garlic, salt and pepper.
Chop 4 boiled eggs including yolks, Dice red onion really small.
Gently mix in egg and red onion. Makes 2 portions.

Can be eaten on 100% whole wheat bread…

24 Day Challenge with my Fiance!

We started our 24 day challenge today! I completed my first 24 day challenge in May and I had such great results that I wanted to do it again! My fiancé is doing it with me this time and we are gonna OWN it! I cant wait to watch my body change, and start to feel better and gain more energy! I had really changed my eating habits last time I did this, and the benefits have lasted up until recently. The last month of summer was a bit of a challenge for me, because we have gone to lots of barbeques, and I have been eating pretty much whatever I want, whenever I want. Oops!

Steve and I weighed ourselves last night and we are going to take our starting measurements today! This morning we woke up, ate breakfast: eggs, oatmeal with blueberries and almonds, and an apple. We had our fiber drink. I warned Steve about how awful this was. I have to mix mine with applesauce and eat it, because otherwise I don’t think I could keep it down. Despite the warning, I suggested and he wanted to try to drink it. I think his biggest mistake was that he mixed it with more water than it suggests. All this means is that there is MORE to drink of it. I think he was trying to dilute it and make it not as thick, but UGH – its GROSS. He chugged it like a champ, I was really impressed. UNTIL at the end, some came back up! I think he will probably be joining me in my applesauce trick tomorrow J

I have to say that doing this with your boyfriend, spouse, best friend, or someone that you spend a lot of time with is WAY easier and more motivating. I think we are both going to see awesome results!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Love at first SPARK!

Why Spark instead of Coffee or Soda?

I get a lot of questions about why to eliminate coffee on the Herbal Cleanse if Spark has caffeine.

Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in over 60 plant species worldwide. It has proven benefits for increased energy, mental alertness and has an aid in weight management.  It is provided in AdvoCare products as a purified ingredient or as a component of an herbal extract.  With Spark you do not have the acidity of coffee.

I personally have never been to into coffee, but I have always been a soda drinker. I must admit that when I did my first Herbal Cleanse, I worried about giving up my soda habit and getting headaches.    Well, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the fresh taste of Advocare Spark Energy Drink, and never got a headache or any negative effects.  In fact, I found that I was able to concentrate better, and didn't have the “ups and downs” that I used to get when drinking soda.  In fact, I liked Spark so much, that I have gave up soda completely, and that is pretty amazing given that I was choking down a soda or more daily. I have personally spoken to many people who have had the same experience with coffee.

Here is some additional information about how AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink compares with Starbucks® coffee, Coca-Cola® and Red Bull® in terms of content and nutritional composition.

The comparison between AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink with Starbucks Grande Iced Café Mocha, Coca-Cola and Red Bull is presented in the table below. AdvoCare Spark products contain over 20 ingredients designed to support mental energy and focus. AdvoCare Spark contains no free sugar or fat. Starbucks coffee delivers large amounts of calories in the form of carbohydrates and fat as well as large amounts of caffeine. Coca-Cola is primarily a carbohydrate and caffeine delivery system while Red Bull is high in carbohydrates and taurine with moderate amounts of caffeine. The more complex AdvoCare Spark formula is designed to meet a broad range of physiological functions necessary for mental processing and energy as compared to the other products.

Starbucks® Grande Iced Café Mocha
Red Bull®
Total Carbohydrates
11 g
38 g
41 g
28 g
28 g
41 g
27 g
Total Fat
19 g
85 mg
50 mg
200 mg
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Thiamine & Riboflavin
200% each
Vitamins B-6 & B-12
750% each
250% & 83%
Pantothenic acid
500 mg
500 mg
200 mg
1000 mg
50 mg
Total Caffeine
120 mg
175 mg
35 mg
80 mg

Try Spark if you haven’t already, especially the newest flavor, Watermelon (yum!)


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

ABSolutely unbelievable challenge & Advocare Cleanse! DAY ONE!

Its DAY ONE of our Advocare Herbal Cleanse and AB Challenge. My friend Jen & I started this challenge with a group of women in our Zumba class. (Zumba w/ Jill Torrey at OnSilverlake) BEST CLASS EVER, just in case you ever want to try it out! I am SO pumped for this. Its always motivating to do things in a group for some motivation, and some accountability, and also so that you are not the only one with sore muscles and a fruit and veggie overload.

WHY CLEANSE!?  There are a number of reasons! Maybe you want to detoxify your system. People often times want to boost their overall general health, or want a fresh start on their diet & exercise regimen, or to improve their weight management system. The cleanse helps rid the body of toxins and waste, supports improved digestion and internal cleansing. It provides 10 grams of fiber per day, helps remove impurities from the body, and supports healthy weight loss. A cleanse is recommended every 90 days.

Day one of our cleanse consists of:
Spark (Advocare energy drink, YUM) – This is how I have been starting ALL of my days. Better than coffee, cheaper than coffee, and loaded with vitamins
Fiber drink – Pretty gross. But I feel great when I drink this. Luckily, you only have to drink the Fiber drink the first 3 days and last 3 days of the cleanse. Every day I drink it, I do a countdown. Its usually a whole production of me plugging my nose and chugging QUICKLY. However, I found a secret to mix it with applesauce. This option is much easier for me.
3 Healthy Balanced Meals – Protein, complex carb, fruit/veggie. I drink an Advocare Meal Replacement shake for breakfast. They are super yummy, 220 calories, and surprisingly extremely filling.
2 Healthy Snacks -  Fruit, nuts, smoothie…. Who doesn’t love some mid-day snacks!?
Herbal Cleanse caplets – The Herbal Cleanse tablet rounds out the system by providing herbal extracts needed to help rid your body of the impurities that may be obstacles to achieving better health.

Day one of our AB workout: Day one looks like a breeze compared to what’s coming!
15 sit ups
5 crunches
5 leg raises
And a 10s plank
AND Jen & I are going to Zumba!

Tonight Jen & I are taking before pictures, measurements, and body fat measurements! I will have to update this at the end of our challenge with our results!

If you are interested in joining us, please let me know. Below is some more detail on the cleanse. The cleanse can be purchased here, and with Add-ons here. The cleanse with add-ons includes Spark and Omega 3 vitamins (OMEGAPLEX).

Below is some further information about why cleansing is SO important! This information comes directly from Advocares website.

Toxins are everywhere – in the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the ground we walk on. These toxins build up in our body and may contribute to weight gain, loss of overall energy and poor skin tone, among other detrimental effects. In recent years, more attention has been given to detoxification or cleansing, and for good reason. Contaminants such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation and carbon monoxide found in our everyday environment greatly influence our health and well-being. Furthermore, since the typical American diet is filled with processed foods, which are more often bought at the nearest fast food restaurant rather than made at home, what we eat also adds to our concerns.
Over time, these toxins may affect our health and digestion. In the long term, the ability to absorb the foods and nutrients we consume daily can become diminished. When this happens, individuals no longer receive the full benefit of their daily diet. Every day, a person's diet should provide essential nutrients to keep that individual performing at peak effectiveness. Proper absorption of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals is essential to maintaining a healthy body. However, periodic lifestyle changes may generate the need for a “fresh start” to regain a healthy balanced nutrition routine with a solution that will also help other AdvoCare products you take once again reach their full potential.

THE SOLUTION: Herbal Cleanse System
The AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse system can help rid your body of toxins and waste with its unique blend of herbal ingredients.* Using a systematic approach, this 10-day system guides you day by day through the steps for thorough internal cleansing and improved digestion.* Herbal Cleanse supports the body's metabolic systems and general health during the detoxification process by helping keep energy levels up, aiding in removing impurities, and supporting the immune  system.* Some people who use Herbal Cleanse for the first time experience an encouraging reduction in pounds and/or inches when they pair the system with the recommended diet and exercise. Each Herbal Cleanse system includes these three key products:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Goals, Goals, Goals!

AH, I haven’t blogged in a while. First let me just say that I finished my 24 day challenge in May, and I had such great results from it. Because of the great results I had, I made the decision that I would become a distributor. When I first started Advocare, and even expressed interest in it, immediately I was contacted about the business opportunity with it. I am the type of person who is very skeptical of things like this, and my answer was always “Let me see how I do on the challenge first”. And let me just say, I was blown away! I have gotten motivated a few times to really “buckle down” and go all in trying to get healthy a few times. I eat healthy, work out, and I feel like I do everything right. This lasts about 2 weeks before I have always reverted back to my old ways. Usually, this is because I have never enjoyed it. Living, and being healthy was always a chore for me. On top of it, I wasn’t seeing results. I would always get to a point that it was like, “why am I doing this?”. Then, I would give up, and go back to the same thing. Consuming empty calories, and not worrying about making a change. I finally decided I had enough of being a hostage in my own body. I had enough of going shopping for clothes and not liking anything, because I didn’t like ME. Finally, I decided to make a change, and I decided that Advocare was going to be my answer. I took the challenge on, and it was the first time in my life I saw results, instantly.  I lost 20 pounds, I had more energy, and I felt confidence I haven’t felt in a long time. Needless to say, when I was done, I was hooked. I signed up to be a distributor immediately after going to an Advocare Ladies Night with my fiance’s cousin Chelsea. Could I have used that $79.00 towards something else? Yes. I didn’t really “have the money” to sign up, but I decided that I was motivated, and it was something that I needed to do, so I did it.

Since then, I have already made my sign up fee back in profit, and MORE. I became an Advocare advisor in two pay periods (4 weeks) which meant that I went from a 20% discount, to a 40% discount which means even more of an opportunity to make money and share this tool with other people. I am not very comfortable being a “product pusher” but what is so great about this, is you don’t have to. When I was losing weight, I was constantly being asked, “how did you do that?” “What is working for you?” That’s why I knew, I could share this with other people, because it works. You can BE a product of your product.

In all the times I have felt determined to put my health, and my body first, I have never succeeded. The only difference in my life these past few months has been Advocare. This absolutely can be ANYONE.

I could go on and on about the results that I have heard and seen. Real people, with busy lives, who have lost hope, have seriously changed their life, and changed their body with this and it is amazing.

My short term goal, was to sell enough to become an Advisor. To be honest, I doubted myself. I shouldn’t have, but I did. My fiancé told me that if I got close enough that I only needed to sell one more challenge, that he would be my last customer to meet my first goal. I had 3 pay periods to meet my goal, and I did it in 2. I actually exceeded my goal, and Steve wasn’t even my last customer.

He was a skeptic of this product. The fact he even agreed to take on the challenge as a way to motivate me was a shock. At the beginning of this, I couldn’t even convince him to drink a spark. To be honest, I don’t even think he was crazy about me signing up to sell this stuff. He is the love of my life, and I love him to pieces for always supporting me no matter what, which he did, but I could tell he was “eh” about this. HOWEVER, he saw my results. He was proud of me, and he noticed the difference. Id be lying if I said that it wasn’t super exciting to feel like he was liking the results. Although he has always made me feel beautiful, its an added feeling when you yourself TRULY believe it too. Then, a few weeks after my challenge, we were at a housewarming party at my friend Corinnes house. Steve was tired, practically falling asleep. Corinne (like my good salesman friend) suggested he drink a Spark. He finally tried it. He ended up staying up later than me that night! The next day, he said to me, “That “Spark Stuff” actually works”. UMM HELLO! This is what I have been trying to tell you!

Steve ordered a challenge from me. We are going to start one on September 1st together. I will be posting our progress. JOIN US!

Next week, on Wednesday, I am going to be starting an AB challenge with my Zumba class. My Zumba teacher is also an Advocare Lover/Believer/Distributor. She is putting together an Advocare 10-Day Cleanse, AB challenge. I will be posting about that too! JOIN ME!

Cheers to being healthy!

EXCITING things to come!

Life is all about little goals. Take things one step at a time. All the small steps eventually lead you to something great. Looking back you will always wish that you started today!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

All about the 24 day challenge!

I completed the Advocare 24 day challenge in May. I have continued to remain on some Advocare products, as I did the challenge and loved it. If you have NO idea what you the challenge is, but *might* want in, I’ll go over a few questions.
What is the Advocare 24-Day Challenge?
The 24-Day Challenge™ is a comprehensive supplementation and nutrition program. It’s designed to give your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your goals. And it’s not just for weight loss. Nope, it’s for weight management, energy, overall body composition OR  overall wellness. Whatever your goal is, there is a challenge for you. Basically, at the end of the 24-Day Challenge, you are going to feel and look good. And since it promotes clean eating, when you are done with the Challenge, you will be down the right road to keep doing what you’ve been doing. I believe studies show that it takes between 21-28 days to make something (like eating clean, cutting soda, etc) “stick”, so this is totally in line, and probably no coincidence that is 24 days long.
What do I need to buy? How much is it?
The 24-Day Challenge comes in a bundle from Advocare and is $190.25. In the bundle you will receive the following:
~One box of Herbal Cleanse-Citrus ($31.50)
~One bottle of OmegaPlex® ($21.95)
~One box of AdvoCare Spark®-Mandarin Orange ($22.95)
~One box of AdvoCare Spark®-Fruit Punch ($22.95)
~Your choice of one box of Meal Replacement Shakes – Chocolate Mocha, Chocolate, Vanilla, Berry or Non-Dairy Dark Chocolate ($44.95)
~Your choice of one box of MNS® Max 3, C, or E ($45.95)
If purchased separately, it’s the exact same price, but you get a handy little booklet (which you can also print here) with the bundle and it’s all put together for you. However, if you want to do different Spark flavors or get the Peaches and Cream Fiber drink instead of the Citrus, you totally can purchase them separate and just print the booklet.
Do I need to buy any special foods from Advocare?
Nope! You are going to eat normal foods you can buy at the grocery store.  Clean foods.  Nothing processed.  Nothing fried.  You’ll eat well-balanced diet of lean proteins, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and other snack items such as healthy fats, fruits, dairy.  You can substitute meal replacement shakes for breakfasts or lunch if you want, but you do NOT have to.  Sometimes I don’t want to drink a meal.  I want to eat it.  But they work great when you are in a pinch.
So what is the Challenge?  What exactly do I do?
Well the Challenge is broken down into two phases.  The Cleanse Phase (Days 1-10) and  the Max Phase (Days 11-24). Both combine clean eating with Advocare products.  You can exercise like normal and continue with your normal daily activities.
What is the Cleanse Phase?
The cleanse phase is designed exercise help to rid your body of toxins and prepare your body to better absorb nutrients. This isn’t the kind of cleanse where you drastically reduce calories or consume only liquids.  Nope.  You will eat real foods and be able to go about your daily life.  You DO NOT need to stay near a bathroom 24-7.  I know people worry about that and I was a bit concerned myself.  It’s not like that.  During the Cleanse Phase you will use the Herbal Cleanse Kit, Spark and Omegaplex.  NO alcohol, coffee or dairy are to be consumed during the 10-Day Cleanse.  Average weight loss during the cleanse is 5-10 pounds.
What is this “Fiber Drink” you are referencing?
Umm, I’m not gonna lie.  The citrus fiber drink is quite nasty.  But oddly filling.  I hear the Peaches and Cream is better than the Citrus.  I don’t know even know how to describe it.  My tip on the fiber drink is to drink it FAST!  Because the longer it sits, the thicker it gets.  No joke.  Chug that thing. OR eat it with applesauce. It has a thick, grainy texture (the texture for me was the hard part) so I mixed the powder with a little water and combined it with sugar free applesauce. I found that was SO much easier for me.
What is the Max Phase?
The Max Phase is about fueling your body in order to achieve maximum results.  You’ll use the MNS Kit, Spark and the Meal Replacement Shakes during the Max Phase.  You’ll eat clean meals + snacks, plus the guidelines loosen up a little.  MNS stands for Metabolic Nutrition System and you can select from the following packs when you buy your kit:
MNS E -  Geared towards keeping your energy up and revving your metabolism as you continue to lose weight.
MNS 3-   Geared towards overall wellness, energy, and appetite control.
MNS C-   Geared towards maximum appetite control. (I get this one)
How much total weight can I / will lose?
weight loss on the Advocare 24-Day Challenge is 12lbs and 10 inches.  I lost more. I have heard of people losing more, and I have heard of people losing weight. Obviously if you don’t have a lot of weight to lose, you won’t. People who do have weight to lose, usually lose a lot more. Its proportioned based on your size, and obviously how well you stick to the challenge!
Where can I go to learn more?
Advocare has a whole website on the 24-Day Challenge that has tons of information.   They have videos and other information. I am developing a Facebook group of people doing the Challenges, with tips, meal ideas, shopping lists, etc. has you can join if you want when you do your Challenge!
What about add-ons?  Do I need to get anything else?
I like catalyst and ThermoPlus, but they are totally optional.  Read more about them and decide for yourself!
Where do I go to buy it?
You can go here to buy the full kit.  If you just want to do the 10 Day Cleanse part because you aren’t sure or think it’s too expensive, that’s cool too.  Pick up the Herbal Cleanse Kit and some Spark and join in for the 1st 10 Days!!!
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me.  If I don’t know the answer, I’ll get it for you!  
Peace, Love, & Advocare!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wild about THERMOPLUS!

What is this crazy Thermoplus thing!?

If you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you will lose weight, right? Theoretically, this is true. But what often happens is we lose weight for a little while, and we plateau. We’re practicing the same good habits (for the most part), but the weight just stops coming off. This is because our metabolisms adjust to the new regimen. It’s called “going into starvation mode”. Our bodies know they are getting fewer calories, so they use less energy in order to conserve. And we hit a plateau. One way to jump start our fat burning mechanisms is to supplement with a fat burner like Advocare Thermoplus.

Unlike many hardcore stimulant fat burners that give you jitters and keep you up at night, Advocare Thermoplus contains natural herbal supplements meant to gently enhance your body’s fat burning processes. The primary ingredient in Thermoplus is sage extract. With its antioxidant properties, it helps boost energy levels and increase fat oxidation, the way our bodies convert fat cells into energy. It also works on brain cell receptors to reduce appetite so you eat less without feeling deprived. A second ingredient is oolong tea extract which releases catechins, the same antioxidants found in black and green teas. They stimulate metabolism to burn more calories. Thirdly, Thermoplus contains guarana extract for the proven stimulant and thermogenic effects of caffeine. It also contains B vitamins niacin and thiamine.
One capsule, taken twice daily 30 minutes before meals,
Advocare Thermoplus is said to give you a sustained increase in energy while revving up your metabolism so you can eat less, work out more efficiently, and better burn the calories you take in.

Thermoplus is sold on my website. You can purchase 90 capsules, which should last about 6 weeks, for $31.50