Friday, June 21, 2013

Wild about THERMOPLUS!

What is this crazy Thermoplus thing!?

If you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you will lose weight, right? Theoretically, this is true. But what often happens is we lose weight for a little while, and we plateau. We’re practicing the same good habits (for the most part), but the weight just stops coming off. This is because our metabolisms adjust to the new regimen. It’s called “going into starvation mode”. Our bodies know they are getting fewer calories, so they use less energy in order to conserve. And we hit a plateau. One way to jump start our fat burning mechanisms is to supplement with a fat burner like Advocare Thermoplus.

Unlike many hardcore stimulant fat burners that give you jitters and keep you up at night, Advocare Thermoplus contains natural herbal supplements meant to gently enhance your body’s fat burning processes. The primary ingredient in Thermoplus is sage extract. With its antioxidant properties, it helps boost energy levels and increase fat oxidation, the way our bodies convert fat cells into energy. It also works on brain cell receptors to reduce appetite so you eat less without feeling deprived. A second ingredient is oolong tea extract which releases catechins, the same antioxidants found in black and green teas. They stimulate metabolism to burn more calories. Thirdly, Thermoplus contains guarana extract for the proven stimulant and thermogenic effects of caffeine. It also contains B vitamins niacin and thiamine.
One capsule, taken twice daily 30 minutes before meals,
Advocare Thermoplus is said to give you a sustained increase in energy while revving up your metabolism so you can eat less, work out more efficiently, and better burn the calories you take in.

Thermoplus is sold on my website. You can purchase 90 capsules, which should last about 6 weeks, for $31.50

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer bikini challenge!

I don't know about you, but I absolutely dread that moment in the springtime where I walk into target, and see that swimsuits are on the shelf. I hate this because every summer for the last few years I make a promise to myself that NEXT summer I am going to look hott in a bikini. Funny how I make that promise to myself every summer, meaning that it hasn't happened. This is the last summer I am allowing it, and I am only allowing it this summer because this is the summer I am actually going to make the change. I think I finally got serious because I am getting married next summer. I am less worried about what I will look like in a wedding dress, and more worried about what I am going to look like on my honeymoon, on a beach, in a bikini. I plan on spending my entire honeymoon with as close to nothing on as possible (sorry for the tmi but it's so true).

I just completed my 24 day advocare challenge 2 weeks ago. I would be lying if I said that I havent celebrated the last 2 weeks (a little too much maybe) and have definitly slacked a little in the eating healthy department. I lost 20 lbs doing my challenge, and I haven't lost a single pound since. However, I haven't gained either, so that's good. Still, I am not where I want to be. I have never been obsessed with my weight as a NUMBER. When I make comments about wanting to lose 15 pounds, or twenty pounds, I really just totally pull that number out of nowhere. The truth is I don't care what the scale tells me, or other people. My goal is to look in the mirror and not just like what I see but LOVE it. It is so freeing to feel confident and feel beautiful.

Since finishing the challenge I have been researching more advocare products, and how to continue my journey. I am ready to get serious again. I have been reading blogs about other peoples journey on advocare, talking to people who use it, and been asking what people's favorite products are. I described where I am at, stuck again. I want to lose more weight. I need some structure and I need some accountability. So here is what I came up with.

It has been suggested to me to repeat the Max Phase. The Max Phase is technically the 2nd part of the infamous 24 day challenge. I have chosen to do the Max Phase that concentrates on weight loss and appetite control. During my challenge I chose the phase which helped with weight loss, and energy. As suggested also, I am going to combine my max phase with Thermoplus, and with Catalyst.

Thermoplus: Thermoplus helps support your body's ability to convert fat into energy. It boosts and promotes a healthy appetite and it helps suppress your appetite. It also contains Oolong Tea and Sage Extracts to support weight loss.

Catalyst: Cataylyst helps maintain muscle mass during excercise and helps you burn FAT instead of lean muscle.

Those 3 products I have on my website as "The Summer Bikini" Challenge option. This is the BASIC bundle.

I have another option which is more expensive, but is what I am going to be doing. That is also on my website and comes with the everything the basic bundle comes with, but also includes a box of Meal Replacement Shakes (which are actually yummy) and a container of Spark.

The Meal replacement shakes are AWESOME. Like I said, they are GOOD. I blend mine with ice & water in the blender, and they taste like a milkshake. My personal flavor is chocolate, but they have Mocha, Berry, and Vanilla as well. They are 220 calories, and are a balanced meal for balanced nutrition and weight management. They are high in fiber and calcium and contain 26 vitamins and minerals. I have already bought more shakes, because I am so in love with them as a breakfast on the go option.

Lastly, Spark! Spark is my FAVORITE. First of all, its SO affordable. It is MUCH cheaper than Red Bull, Energy Drinks, and Coffee. It is WAY healthier, and gives you tons of energy with no crash. It doesnt make you jittery like alot of other energy drinks do. Spark comes in many flavors, I have tried all of them and they are all really good. Spark is available in Mango Strawberry, Pink Lemonade, Mandarin Orange, Fruit Punch, Grape, Citrus and Cherry. It is the most nutritionally advanced energy drink on the market. It is SUGAR - FREE! It contains 45 calories and contains 21 vitamins, minerals and nurients designed to synergistically promote a healthy and balanced source of energy.

Find both of these options on my website:

Contact me with any questions you have!!

I am going to start MY challenge on July 7th. WHO'S WITH ME?!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

MY SAVING GRACE! (Also known as the Advocare 24-day challenge)….

I don’t know how many people have heard of Advocare, but it seems to be the new craze. A while ago, I caught wind of it, and put it on the back burner. Then, it popped up again and again. I heard lots of people talking about it, and saw many people have amazing results with their health while using the product. A lot of people, me included, are drawn to advocare for their claim to fame, their 24 day challenge. This 24 day challenge promises to help you lose weight, and inches, in just 24 days. This promise, comes at a price of a whopping $190.00.

Let me first say that I am a TOTAL skeptic. I do not believe in fad diets. You can go to book stores and find books on ANY and EVERY diet out there. Cut out sugar, cut out carbs, cut out fruits, cut out veggies. Weight watchers, south beach, etc. etc. etc…. I have never tried any of these diets. I have always believed that the good old fashioned style of eating a healthy, lean, well balanced diet and exercise. I think people’s biggest problem is that they don’t want to admit that they have to work hard to get results. People want INSTANT results. We live in a world, where there are pills, surgeries, drops, etc. etc. that promise fast results that claim that you can practically live on the couch watching tv eating potato chips, take a pill, and be skinny. Trust me, if that was at all a reality, I would take it. I LOVE food, I LOVE going to happy hour, I LOVE wine. Eating clean and healthy has never been easy for me. I wish I was one of those people that it came easy for, but I am not. I also HATE working out. I always claimed that I “didn’t have time to work out” among dozens of other excuses. Its funny because, I have plenty of time to go to happy hour with a friend, or watch a 2 hour episode of The Bachelorette. Yet I sit and say that I don’t have time to put my health first, because I commute to work, and work 40 hours a week. We will get to this part a little later. I apologize already because I tend to jump around all over the place and lose track of my point.

Back to Advocare—the more I SAW the change in people the more I wanted to know more about this whole Advocare thing. I finally gave in. I did the 24 day challenge. The 24 day challenge is basically products that aid you in making a lifestyle change. It is not a fad diet, and it does not END after the 24 days. It is a jumpstart to help you get on the right track. If you are like me, you have tried the whole diet and exercise thing, and after about 2 weeks, you see no results, and think to yourself, why the heck am I doing this? Advocare changed that for me. It gave me INSTANT results. I bought a scale, and weighed myself. I weighed myself every morning. Day 1, I was down 2 pounds. Day 2, another pound and a half. Little by little, I was watching the pounds just fall off. I was eating clean, taking care of my body, and following the simple steps that Advocare was teaching me, and sure enough, I saw results. I went to the store to buy some new jeans, grabbed my regular size, and headed to the dressing room. This was on day 12. I got in the dressing room and put on the jeans, THEY WERE TOO BIG. Talk about a HUGE self esteem booster! There is nothing better than finding out you are a size smaller. At this point, I was a believer! I completed the challenge, and I lost 20 pounds. I didn’t take measurements at the start of my challenge, but I really wish that I did. I have heard that a lot of other people lose more inches than pounds. Either way, I had FANTASTIC results.

Aside from the weight loss, I felt AMAZING. I have never felt better in my life. I have more energy, I am happier, and I feel so much more drive for my life. I am excited for everyday. I put a bikini on and actually felt more confident than I have felt in a long time.

Yes, its $190 dollars. If you are like me, that’s a chunk of change. Especcially to spend on something you aren’t sure about. It’s a commitment, but its SO worth it. How often do you go to the mall, and splurge on clothes that you aren’t even happy wearing because you are unhappy with what they are covering up. How often do you go to the bar and buy ridiculously over-priced drinks? How often do you go out to dinner, and fill your body with LARGE portions that are drenched in grease? Add up all these little expenses, and invest in your health. You only get ONE body, and ONE chance at your life. Shouldn’t this be your NUMBER 1 priority?

For me, I looked at the BIG problem. I looked at the end result. I looked at the fact I wanted to lose 30 pounds. Thinking about losing 30 pounds was exhausting. The moment I thought of that, all I could think about was “how am I ever going to find the time to exercise for that long?” “I don’t have time to prepare healthy food” “30 pounds is going to take MONTHS to lose”. Finally, even with the help of advocare, I began to understand that conquering the BIG goal isn’t something that happens in one day, and is WAY to exhausting to try to think about at once. I have already lost 20 pounds, and I can tell you it didn’t happen in one day. Like I said before, I lost one pound, and then I lost another. Some days, I didn’t lose anything, but I didn’t gain anything either. One pound at a time, got me to 5 pounds. Then I hit eight pounds, eventually, I hit twenty! This made me realize that all I have to do is concentrate on NOW. What am I going to eat for THIS meal? How am I going to fit exercise into my day today? Taking it one day at a time, is so much easier.

Another common problem that I hear is that people cant find a good time to start eating healthy and taking care of their body, or committing to the challenge. I was this person. “Well I have a birthday party this weekend, so I will probably eat really bad.” “I am going on vacation, so maybe when I get back.” “I have a happy hour to go to tomorrow, and I will probably want to have a drink.” Do any of these sound familiar? Trust me, if you allow things like this to get in your way, you will NEVER do it. There is never a convenient time.

I didn’t stop my life. My fiancé decided that he didn’t want to do the challenge with me, although I wanted him to. I recognize that this is a commitment and personal choice that you have to make, or it wont work, so I didn’t push it. I also did not let him not wanting to participate in it get in my way. It shouldn’t. This is about YOU. There were times that he wanted to go out to dinner places. I didn’t whine, I didn’t say that I didn’t want to go. Instead, I went. I ordered water. I started realizing that there are so many healthy options.  So many restaurants offer “500 calories or less” options, or smaller portioned appetizers that are still PLENTY of food. Even kids meals at a lot of places are much more portion and calorie friendly. I didn’t let my choice stop me from my social life, or from doing things. I just figured out that I could still make a healthy choice regardless of what the people with me are doing.

The 24 day challenge has impacted and changed my life in SO many ways that I have made a decision to start selling it. I am not a product pusher, and I am not into pressuring people. I am not trying to sell something that I haven’t personally done. I believe in advocare, and I believe in the change it has done on my body. I want other people to experience what I have experienced and want to share success with others, in hopes that they will overcome whatever obstacle that is holding them back in order to put their health first.

If you have any desire to try the 24 day challenge, and have ANY questions, please let me know and I would be thrilled to help you!

Below is my advocare site!

How this started.....

Recently I feel like my purpose in life is to help people live a healthy and happy life, full of laughter, and optimism. I recently made a promise to myself to concentrate on living in the NOW, and stop making excuses for myself. Too often, I make promises to myself that I will start things later, or tomorrow. Now has never seemed like a good time. Because of this, days go by, months go by, and eventually I am going to watch years go by in front of my eyes and I am never going to live out my purpose if I can't grasp that NOW is as good a time as any to start. This year, I have put myself first. I have gotten a hold over my insecurities, my health, my life. I am trying to overcome fears, and step out of my comfort zone. I am trying to take baby steps to accomplish the bigger vision that I see for my life.

As part of this self-discovery process, I have found my purpose. It took really loving myself, finding myself, and listening to my heart to understand that I feel like my purpose in life is to help people. Not to brag, but I have always considered myself an optimist. I can almost always find the "silver lining" in things. Yes, I have moments where things get hard. Yes, I have times where even I feel like there is no possible GOOD thing that can be associated with some of my hardships, but for the most part I feel like I can almost always look at situations with a glass half full kind of attitude. I also feel like I have figured out how to really grasp making a change. I want to help people overcome things that are holding them down.

This blog is more for me than for anybody else. I find that sometimes writing is a release for emotions, and sometimes can motivate me and solve my problems just by writing things down on paper. "Internet paper" in this case. Hopefully, SOMEONE will take something from my "venting", my experiences, or my advice.